The Bridges Impact Foundation
The Bridges Impact Foundation* provides catalytic support and charitable funding for innovative solutions that drive better outcomes for underserved people and the planet.
The Bridges Impact Foundation* provides catalytic support and charitable funding for innovative solutions that drive better outcomes for underserved people and the planet.
The Foundation was set up in 2009 to achieve tangible, positive impact in line with Bridges’ mission, through the use of philanthropic and catalytic capital, funding projects that fall outside of the scope of Bridges investment activity.
It aims to incentivise Bridges’ mission-driven team through social impact, engagement and philanthropy. It also holds the ‘golden share’ in Bridges Fund Management, which allows it to protect Bridges’ core mission to create positive impact. The Foundation receives some of its funding through Bridges’ carry-holders who have agreed to donate an amount equivalent to 10% of their carried interest to the Foundation.
*Bridges Impact Foundation is a charity registered in England and Wales (Registered Charity Number: 1129756) and a company limited by guarantee (Company Registration Number: 06864617).
The Foundation has three core goals:
Impact investment innovation
To provide catalytic funding and strategic support to help build the sustainable and impact investing market
Venture philanthropy
To provide catalytic funding and strategic support for high-impact, mission-led social ventures or charities, in dedicated focus areas
Supporting charitable team activities
To promote, support and amplify the charitable efforts of the Bridges team (fundraising, volunteering etc.) through matched-giving, benevolent funding and more
Our impact
Our annual report for 2022/23 shows how the Foundation has succeeded in pursuing its core goals.
Download PDFOur venture philanthropy
We provide financial and pro bono support to a select group of high-impact organisations within two specific themes: Improving Youth Mental Health, and Combating Gender-based Violence. They include:
The Bridges Impact Foundation U.S.
We work closely with our sister Foundation in the U.S., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organisation.
Bridges Impact Foundation U.S. continues to run the thriving Turner MIINT (MBA Impact Investing Networking & Training) programme, in partnership with the Wharton ESG Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania. The education programme, which culminates in a competition for real investment into a real impact start-up, gives students hands-on experience in investing for impact.
The U.S. Foundation also supports Impact Frontiers, a learning and innovation collaboration of investors and field-builders dedicated to advancing the integration of impact into financial frameworks, processes, and decision-making.
Conflict Policy
Bridges Impact Foundation seeks to avoid situations where there may be a potential conflict of interest. Our Conflict of Interest Policy helps protect us from this.