Investing in a more sustainable and inclusive future

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Climate change and inequality are the two greatest challenges of our generation – and they are inextricably linked.

Bridges is a global leader in sustainable and impact investing. We invest exclusively in solutions that help to decarbonise the economy, or enable more people to fulfil their potential.

We believe that investing in this more sustainable, more inclusive future is not only a moral and ecological imperative. It’s also a unique opportunity to unlock lasting economic and social value.

The Bridges platform

Private Equity
Outcomes Partnerships

The Bridges Property Funds invest opportunistically in needs-driven growth sectors that support the decarbonisation of the built environment, alongside better health and wellbeing outcomes. Since 2012, we have developed over £2bn of assets across 70+ transactions, delivering attractive investment returns and measurable positive impact.

Bridges backs ambitious growth companies whose products or services are supporting the transition to a more sustainable and inclusive economy. We specialise in identifying sectors and business models where a focus on sustainability and impact can unlock a significant commercial growth opportunity. We can then invest in like-minded partners via our growth equity fund, or our pioneering patient capital vehicle.

Outcomes partnerships are a transformative new model for the design and delivery of complex human and environmental services.  Operating through our not-for-profit subsidiary Bridges Outcomes Partnerships, our team has now provided the project finance and project management to support more than 70 of these innovative projects, which have supported almost 50,000 people globally.

How we think about impact

We have more than 20 years’ experience of identifying areas where a focus on sustainability and impact can drive attractive investment returns alongside positive environmental or social outcomes.

Our Approach

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2nd July 2024

Bridges announces leadership evolution ahead of next growth phase

Michele Giddens will now be sole CEO of the firm, with Philip Newborough moving to a new role as Executive Chair.

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29th April 2024

Bridges agrees sale of VivaGym in Spain

We’ve completed a successful exit from leading Iberian low-cost fitness operator Viva Gym, which went from 15 gyms to over 100 during our ownership.

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27th February 2024

Bridges exits specialist plant-based food supplier Vegetarian Express

We’re delighted to announce our successful exit from Vegetarian Express, the specialist plant-based ingredients supplier, to NVM Private Equity.

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7th February 2024

Landmark £88m forward funding deal for west London co-living scheme

Bridges and HUB have agreed an £88m forward funding deal with Singapore-based CDL to deliver Yardhouse, our co-living scheme in west London.

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