More inclusive

The benefits of recent progress have not been distributed equally: our life chances are still largely determined by where we’re born, where we live and what we look like. Solving these challenges can unlock significant economic value.

Bridges invests in solutions that help more people thrive and fulfil their potential

Improving access to quality housing and services

There is a pressing need for more lower-cost and affordable housing: England needs 340,000 new homes a year until 2031 to tackle the housing shortage. By developing quality homes to higher sustainability standards, we can broaden access to quality accommodation, while also enabling local employment and positive regeneration of these areas.

Fostering greater inclusion in the workplace

Over 80 per cent of people have experienced some kind of bias at work, while over half of minority group members believe that they are treated differently or feel anxious because of their identity. Tackling this challenge will not only improve individuals’ life outcomes; it can also create better-performing, more productive workplaces.

Supporting our ageing population

By 2039, there will be almost 10m people aged 75 and over in the UK. By improving access to care places and boosting the availability of supported accommodation – the supply of which is lower in the UK than elsewhere – we will reduce the demands on primary and social care (while also creating more liquidity in the housing market).


Our Goals