9th February 2014

The Telegraph: Doing good is not incompatible with making a profit

In this article in The Telegraph, Tim Hames argues that “it is entirely possible to solve very challenging social problems and to make a stellar profit at the same time. Charity is wonderful but there are times when more direct incentives than pure philanthropy can provide work most effectively” Read the full article 

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7th February 2014

FT: Making an impact – video interview of Michele Giddens

In this  FT video interview,  Michele Giddens talks about the increasing interest from institutional investors in sustainable and impact investment. Access the full interview 

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12th November 2013

Growth Business: Qbic looks to roll out budget boutique hotel offering following investment

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11th November 2013

Unquote: Bridges backs budget hotel Qbic

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10th January 2013

The Guardian: Private equity firms increasingly investing in social impact

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18th October 2013

Huffington Post: Social Impact Investment Taskforce Established By the G8 Hits the Ground Running

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25th September 2013

The Independent: Auto22 is one of the UK’s most ethical businesses

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16th March 2017

The Hub Pharmacy wins a Red Rose Award 

The Hub Pharmacy has won a Red Rose Award 2017. The Awards celebrate Lancashire business, commerce and industry, offering a platform to promote success in the North West, and encouraging local trading. The judges had to say of The Hub: “The Hub pharmacy has an outstanding business model that addresses community needs. They are innovative […]

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21st March 2017

Wholebake apprentices star in Wales Online 

In Wales, the government is working to increase the number of apprenticeships available to people of all ages. Wales Online discusses these efforts, and features Wholebake, the Bridges-backed gluten-free snack-bar manufacturer, as an exemplar programme. Wholebake Operations Manager Richard Jones explains how the company’s apprenticeship programme has become a useful tool for training up skilled workers […]

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22nd March 2017

LSE Business Review: Brian Trelstad on the case for impact management

Brian Trelstad, partner and head of Bridges Impact+ in the US, writes in the LSE Business Review about how to scale the impact investing sector. One of the main obstacles currently, he argues, is the lack of a clear and broadly-accepted definition of what we mean when we talk about impact – at every stage […]

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1st December 2016

Inside Track, BBC World: Michele Giddens on impact investing

Bridges’ co-founder, Michele Giddens, was recently invited onto BBC World’s Inside Track programme to talk about impact investing. Michele explains how Bridges and others look to generate market-rate financial returns by making investments that benefit society as a whole, talks about the range of impact investment products available to investors, and highlights the growing influence […]

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6th December 2016

McKinsey cites Bridges’ influence in helping to take impact investing to the mainstream

Global management consultancy firm McKinsey & Co have published a research piece discussing how the impact investment industry can increase its influence. To mature and develop, McKinsey argues that the sector needs to focus on the following four areas: professionalising the practice of impact investing, clarifying impact-measurement standards, supporting social enterprises and impact-oriented businesses, and […]

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