22nd July 2019

Bridges Annual Report 2018-2019

Our latest annual report looks at all the highlights from what was a momentous year for Bridges: our funds raised since inception passed the £1bn mark, following fund closes on three of our investment strategies. Click here to have a read. We’d love to know what you think!

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17th December 2018

Catalysing an Impact Investment Ecosystem: A Policymaker’s Toolkit

The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG) is an independent collaboration of practitioners aiming to catalyse impact investment and entrepreneurship around the world. Bridges co-founder Michele Giddens (who previously chaired the UK National Advisory Board on Impact Investing, the GSG’s UK offshoot) recently led a Working Group tasked with exploring the role of government […]

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20th December 2017

Bridges’ Annual Impact Report 2017

2017 has been another busy year for Bridges: we closed our largest ever fund, launched pioneering new strategies in both the UK and the US, made a number of exciting new investments across the platform, and even changed our name: to Bridges Fund Management (to better reflect the breadth of our platform). Within the portfolio, […]

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19th October 2017

In the press: Five steps to a more inclusive and sustainable UK economy

The UK National Advisory Board on Impact Investing is a group of leading figures from business, Government and civil society with a clear mission: to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy in the U.K. It is chaired by Bridges’ co-founder Michele Giddens and supported by the Bridges Impact Foundation. Its new report: ‘The Rise of […]

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3rd March 2014

Bridges Impact Report 2013: A Spotlight on our Methodology

“Bridges IMPACT Report: A Spotlight on our Methodology” explains in detail the theory and practicalities of Bridges’ investment  approach and methodology, breaking down the various dimensions of impact analysis and providing illustrative case studies from across our portfolio. Get the report        Screen view               Printer-friendly

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27th January 2014

Shifting the Lens: A De-risking Toolkit for Impact Investment

A collaboration between Bank of  America Merrill Lynch  and Bridges Ventures, the Shifting the Lens: A De-risking Toolkit for Impact Investment report  aims to shift the lens on the sector, to focus on how innovative investments can be de-risked to attract much broader flows of capital. Get the report     Screen view     Printer-friendly

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31st December 2016

Bridges Annual Impact Report 2016: Tackling society’s biggest challenges

2016 has been another productive year for Bridges, with four new investments, five completed exits and another pioneering addition to our platform – Bridges Evergreen Holdings, a permanent capital vehicle for mission-led businesses (taking our total funds raised since inception beyond $1 billion). More broadly, this year’s political turbulence has underlined quite how urgently we […]

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27th January 2014

Shifting the Lens – a new report by Bridges & Bank of America Merrill Lynch on de-risking impact investments

Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Bridges Ventures have issued a report which reveals a set of practical risk mitigation tools for impact investment. Entitled, Shifting the Lens: A De-risking Toolkit for Impact Investment, the report aims to shift the lens on this important sector to focus on how innovative investments can be de-risked to […]

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29th January 2013

Bridges Ventures launches report analysing a decade of investing for impact and sustainable growth

London, 29 January 2013: Hands-on investment and entrepreneurial talent are fast becoming powerful tools for addressing pressing societal challenges as well as driving sustainable growth, according to the latest report by specialist fund manager Bridges Ventures (‘Bridges’) which looks at the development of the impact and sustainable investment sector over the last decade. The report, […]

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11th January 2013

Ten Year Report: A decade of investing for impact and sustainable growth

2012 marked Bridges Ventures’ tenth anniversary and, in place of our annual IMPACT report, we have put together a our Ten Year Report.  The report’s aim is not only to present the impact of our work over the past decade, but also to reflect on our experience, in the hope that some of the lessons […]

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7th March 2010

Investing for Impact: Case Studies Across Asset Classes

Bridges Ventures and The Parthenon Group have published a report looking at investments that can make a positive social or environmental impact as well as financial returns.  The report is intended to help the investment community gain a better understanding of the growing Impact Investment industry. Get the Investing for Impact Report.

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25th October 2016

More than Measurement: A Practitioner’s Journey to Impact Management

More than Measurement is a new report by Bridges Impact+ and Skopos Impact Fund. It describes our development of an ‘impact management’ approach – which we define as the management of assets in order to meet explicit impact goals (alongside financial goals). This paper has catalysed a global effort to develop a shared convention for describing […]

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